ThePeepsProject is a fully doxxed NFT project that consists of 7 people. Each team member covers a different sector within our project which allowed us to grow tremendously ever since we started in Nov. 2021.

Since the beginning of our journey we wanted to create more than "just" an NFT project. It has been our aim all along to show the world that NFTs are not just here to stay, but rather add incredible value to each and every individual holder. Initially this value started with our real life connections that have been made and are being embraced throughout our community but we strived for more and have now implemented further utility such as free mints and passive income if you hold our NFTs. The merchandise is another extension of ours, to bridge the gap between the digital and physical world that everyone gets to enjoy. Watch our space and follow our socials to get further involved and participate in our upcoming Metaverse Fashion Shows.